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Flathead Permaculture


Consultations - Design - Site Development


Tree and Plant Nursery - Fruit tree pruning 

☀️ Permaculture Design for the Inland Northwest

- Based in Hot Springs, Montana

 Flathead Permaculture  🌽

Our goal is to assist clients in designing, creating, and managing regenerative systems, for home, homestead, community spaces, small farms, and more. 


Land Development

Learn strategies for developing gardens, orchards, pastures, and food forests. Have your site assessed for good development locations & layouts. 


Let's grow our own food

Let our experience guide you

- Proper site assessment

- Development recommendations 

- Where to source materials 

- Tree and perennial plant sales


Permaculture Design for the
Inland North West

🌎healthy land = healthy people


Livestock Integration


Orchards and Food Forests

Soil Building


Staple Garden Crops


New Client - Site Visit & Consultation 

$200 for Flathead Valley, Mission Valley, Thompson Falls

$240 for Missoula area.

Rates adjusted for other locations, contact for estimate.  

Sliding scale pricing available for those in need. 

    Prior to the visit we’ll have you fill out our goals and vision form, which includes providing relevant information such as: known challenges, known advantages, potential budget, etc. We’ll then set a time to meet at your site and do a walk through, “Designing in the space.”  At this time we will assess the site to give our recommendations on development. This visit will typically last 1-2 hours. Our goal is to guide you and teach you, while providing clear and manageable steps that you can take towards your vision. We have a follow up period after the consultation where we send additional feedback and are available to answer questions. These consultations can be done year-round, although it’s best not to have snow. If you’re thinking about it, don’t wait, good systems take time to develop. Putting a good plan together can save you years of trial and error.

Design Work -
     Estimates available for clients. Designs typically range from $500 - $1500 depending on detail and complexity.


Client Site Visit -  same pricing as above
     Follow up consultations to assess, review, and strategize. Often includes the pruning and shaping of young trees and perennials. 

Site Development - Estimates available for clients
     We work with clients to install orchards, food forests, gardens, and other permaculture landscaping. 

Expert Fruit Tree Pruning - March-April, Contact for estimates & availability. 

Our Story

Mark and Makia first met on a small family farm & vineyard in Northern California, where they worked and lived off the grid together for 3 years. After spending time volunteering on small farms & projects across the world, they were certified in Permaculture Design in the Himalayan Mountains of Nepal in 2017. Their first project back in the US was reviving a small farm and motel property in upstate NY, which they owned and operated for two years. After selling the business, they returned to Makia's hometown of Kalispell MT, where Flathead Permaculture was born. They broke ground in 2020 on their small farm and homestead located on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Hot Springs, MT. Named after the precious hot springs village in Nepal, Tatopani Farm & Homestead is a diverse small acreage operation focusing on dairy goats, laying hens, homestead & market garden, orchards, tree & plant nursery, plant breeding & seed saving, cultivar research & testing. 

Off the farm Mark works as Flathead Permaculture, consulting and helping to develop regenerative sites across the Inland Northwest. Makia is a yoga instructor, blending uplifting breath-work with physical movement through postures

Mark, Makia, and their son Rumi, are active members of the Nyah Grange, Inland Northwest Permaculture Guild, and Hot Springs Farmers Market. 

2023 farmstand.HEIC

Contact Mark

(for oh 6) 2702983


©2020 by Flathead Permaculture.

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